gift idea: wholesale candy display box

Gift Ideas: Wholesale candy display box - CHOCOLATE STOCKING STUFFERS that keep giving THAT AFTERNOON BUZZ.

kit kat display box

Here's a stocking stuffer idea for that sweet tooth on your gift list. What about a display box of their favorite candy?

Didn't take more than a few minutes for me to find a bunch of websites selling 36 count boxes of every candy bar you can imagine and at under $30 for 36 bars you're making out like a bandit. I won't give you links to wholesale candy sellers online - throw a rock and you'll find one. Better still...

In your local supermarket when you find a discount special on candy deals, 3 for a dollar, for example, don't just grab a bar for your trip home, pick up an entire box and put it under the tree. Besides, how hard can it be to find out the favorite candy of your dearly "about to be gifted"?

If the kids are reading, and I know they are, I have to make life just a little more difficult. I'm a big fan of several candies that you can't just pick up off a shelf. Safe to say my taste goes international. So next time you're traveling and spending all my money stop and pick up some of the following: in this order of preference:

  • Coffee Crisp by Nestle (get them in Canada next time you go over the border drinking - or visit their official coffee crisp website) . Also available in Australia and other commonwealth places.
  • Kit Kat Triple Chocolate - a special edition released in 2004 by Hershey. Hey, this stuff keeps good about forever, they make it nuke proof. Look hard and you'll find it. This is what the Triple Chocolate wrapper looks like
  • Flake by Cadbury - a little addiction I picked up in England - Check out the Cadbury Flake Website and the latest Flake TV Commercial below.
  • And of course I have Doctor Who to thank - Tom Baker - for a craving for real Basset's Jelly Babies. (Can't find a website for them)

A store disply box of any of these or any of the thousands of candies available will keep the christmas buzz alive long after pine needles have fallen off the tree.

Did you know? Kit Kat was invented in around 1935, making it almost 75 years old. It was invented in the UK and first called "Chocolate Crisp". 2 years later it was renamed Kit Kat after a famous literary club in London.

Interesting links:

The Internet is an amazing place. If you're having an eye candy kind of day, check out:

  • Mike's Candy Wrapper Page. It might bring back some memories. An old school total geek website. The real thing. Pure love.
  • If you're going to stop overnight while you're getting some candy, find UK hotels UK Hotels and Hotels in Canada. Hey, I had to get a plug in somewhere! You know the hotel gift stores will have any one of the above lollies for sale (except the triple choc kit kats, which is why I put them at the top of the list). It's not the gift, it's the effort that counts!


Here's an ad for Kit-Kat Featuring my favorite TV Show of all Time... Thunderbirds.  To see the original Thunderbirds TV Show Intro see my article about Airport TV Programming Suggestions.


Check out the most recent TV spot for Cadbury Flake featuring Joss Stone: If this doesn't make you want to go to England and try one.

Godspeed on all your gift giving adventures, Cvetko Ostroznik

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