Ryobi Tek4 Digital Camera

Ryobi Tek4 4V 8MP Digital Camera

I was in one of those Home Warehouse Barns today, avoiding the work that needed to be done around the house, when I came across this  Ryobi Tek4 4V 8MP Digital Camera

Not only did it look cool enough, I thought, to be a fashion accessory, it also seemed to have the goods in terms of picture quality 8 mega pixels, battery life, using the TEK 4 rechargablbe battery and charger  (included, and rechargable up to 2000 times!), digital storage (boasts 800 high quality pictures, comes with 1MB SD, but upgradable to 4MB), size (it fit in my palm fine) and really durable feeing construction (rubber pads, clear switches, feels like a metal case, see product overview link below) and...big bonus... it's klutz proof being, obviously built sturdy like a power tool, it's impact proof, dust resistant, and water resistant. Water proof would be better since a klutz on land is a klutz on sea.

Buying into this line of proprietary technology gadgets seems a safer bet than going with AT&T just to use an iPhone (Have you seen the negative tweets about AT&T last few days? time for some heavy corporate brand maintenance) Besides the Tek4 series seems to have a bunch of related gadgets that share the fancy litheum ion battery 

Now that's what I call urban macho chic!

While it came with a USB cable and could shoot video, no one at the store (not one "expert") could tell me if I could hook it up to my computer and use it as a fancy webcam (so I would have an excuse to look at it on my desk). If you know if this is possible let me know. Or better still if you're reading this Ryobi, send me a review sample and I'll hook it up and work it out myself. :)

Retail this little beauty comes in at $199. It should be much cheaper by Christmas - note to number 1 son - the ungrateful one.

PS: I'm about to start a series on this blog of Cool Travel Souvenirs of the World if you've got any ideas, pics, tips, links, please feel free to contact me via any contact email / social network

Godspeed on all your home improvements avoding shopping trips, Cvetko Ostroznik

Related Links

Tek4 Product Cataloge Mini-website at RyobiTools.com http://www.ryobitools.com/tek4/#/home with a fancy digital video presentation and lovely music. You'll find the camera included here: http://www.ryobitools.com/tek4/#/durashot-8-mp-digital-camera With product specs.

PIC: Tek 4 Camera Overview:  Click for product official web - page.


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