TAG Heuer Chronograph Automatic & new Pendulum Concept Watches

TAG Heuer Grand Carrera Chronograph Automatic & new Pendulum Concept Watch

Dear Family (specifically beloved daughter),

Been doing a bit of research ahead of my birthday next month (29th) and I've decided it's time daddy got a new watch. So if we really want to celebrate your college Graduation with some nice rebound gift, dear daughter, you might want to look up one of these little beauties for your dear old work horse dad. The TAG Heuer Chronograph Automatic. Yes, the brown one as pictured below.  It wasn't hard to find a distributor in the United States, I just looked on the TAG Heuer Official Website for the store locator. Going price $3,200 USD (use the blue card)

Tag Heuer Chronograph Automatic Watch Brown

But if you really want to please dear old dad this April, you might up the ante and bring home one of these new fangled watch technology things. The Tag Heuer Grand Carrera Pendulum. Doesn't use a spring or something, and it's a concept watch, so no idea where you can buy it or what the asking price is but, hey, what a suprized smile you'll bring to daddy's sagging jowels if you actually manage to pick one up in duty free store on the way back from spring break (I'm paying too much for) in Milan. Maybe call Tag in Switzerland, tell em your dad writes a very popular gift idea store blog and they'd to well to cough up one for a review. If you could pull that off, I'd really say the fruit didn't fall far from the tree! ... Just so you know what you're looking for in the store... here's a delicious picture....

. Tag Heuer Grand Carrera Pendulum Concept Watch

See you Easter Sunday, remember to wear your nice clothes and take out that nose ring!

Godspeed on all your birthday gift shopping adventures, Cvetko Ostroznik

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